Why oh why!
May 5, 2011
Do you ever have those days when you just wish you hadn't opened your mouth? I've had two of those days in a row. Not anything major or tragic, but just those moments when I wish I had just stopped before I started. I hate that feeling.I gave myself the requisite lectures on keeping quiet, waiting to speak, asking before giving advice and just relaxing in decisions people make....somehow though, I know I am going to give myself this lecture again in the future. Darn!!
I want to be the perfect friend that people love to be around so I feel these things keenly. Of course, my head tells me that it isn't possible to be that perfect, but my heart longs for it. It's not about self-esteem necessarily, but more about how much people mean to me. I want to care for them so much that I get over-enthusiastic in my desire to nurture them and help them. Darn!!
So the moral of the story is....listen more, talk less, ask permission and let go.... edit
That is pretty intense. Just being yourself with a little wisdom thrown in is about all I can do.
Thanks for the honest vulnerability! At least you notice and admit a need. That's a victory in itself. Also, relax in the fact that what you shared comes with the temperament territory! Love you!
Oh, Christy, how very true and poignant....thanks so much for sharing from your heart...you've expressed so eloquently feelings that I have never expressed aloud to anyone...may God richly and abundantly bless you as you serve others...
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