I'm Back...and have some thoughts!

| Jul 23, 2013
It's been a long time since I have been on here, but felt inspired today as I contemplate some profound thoughts...well, I think they are anyway. :)

Almost 5 years ago I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Disease which is an auto-immune disease that affects the thyroid resulting in hypothyroidism. It has been an up and down journey as we continue to work on dosages to keep it all under control. Whilst it doesn't impact my daily life drastically and most of the time I feel pretty good, there are times when I do experience symptoms which can be frustrating. My recent bloodwork showed that my dose needs adjusting once again which is a tad annoying, but I am thankful for a great doctor and medicine that helps.

Contemplating my own health got me thinking about health in general. I must admit, I am a bit of an ostrich when it comes to health stuff....kind of want to bury my head in the sand as it is all too overwhelming especially as in the last few years where I have had people close to me diagnosed with serious and in one case, terminal illness. Doesn't ease anxiety issues!

One thing I have noticed though is that we spend A LOT of time thinking about our health and our lifespan. Somehow prolonging our life has become an almost full-time occupation. When I look at the websites, the journals and discussions about health, diet and more, it is quite overwhelming. One article says one thing, that the next article debunks or we're told to eat this berry, drink this shake and all of this makes us so much happier, but sometimes I wonder if it is all that profitable?

Now, I am not saying that healthy isn't good and I definitely believe it is, but I wonder if it is healthy to be thinking so much about our health especially as a believer in Christ. Life and death are an integral part of the Christian faith and sometimes I wonder if our pursuit of a longer, more healthy life can actually be short-circuiting how God wants us to be spending our lives. I know that the Bible talks about our bodies being the temple of the Holy Spirit, but I don't read in the Bible that spending hours a day making food, juicing, shopping, pursuing the most healthful diet, the best exercise programme, the latest anti-oxidants etc is what we should be doing either.

I wonder if God is more pleased with us taking good care of ourselves within reason and using our financial resources and our time resources to enhance our personal relationships, develop disciples and encouraging others to pursue a life with Christ, than investing all our time and money pursuing longevity of life.

It's definitely a balancing act, but I would dearly love to see more Facebook posts and blog posts about how to connect with someone in a fresh and new way, or how to share my faith with someone, or a story of how my life or your life has impacted someone for Christ, than the latest exercise or organic foods we should be doing or buying or gluten-free recipe we should be eating or making in order to live just that much longer.

It's worth thinking about anyway!

Have a great day!



Wes said...

Good thoughts, Christy, and relevant. While maintaining a balanced, healthy lifestyle is very important, there is more to life than that and I think you put your finger on the "more" critical elements of maintaining balance and health in the things that really matter.

Palmisano family said...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I completely resonated with what you were saying as I'm personally going through a health issue right now! I'm praying for you dear friend and am so thankful for you!

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Prosper, Texas, United States
I've been married for 32 years to the love of my life and we have two awesome adult kids and a fantastic son-in-law. Big new adventure moving to Texas from New Zealand in February 2021


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