Anxiety and "The Help"
Feb 10, 2012
For the last few days I have been going through some anxiety related physical symptoms. What I hate about it is that it is a vicious circle. Your mind starts on something, then the body follows, then the mind worries, then the body gets worse. Aagghh!! I have been having to work so hard this week on stopping thoughts, on focusing on what is true and trying not to worry about things I have no control over. The problem is that some of my anxiety stuff is related to things I DO have control over which means it is really up to me to make the appropriate changes to reduce anxiety. That can be daunting. The journey seems long and impossible and success appears distant. That in itself creates anxiety. I have no answers, no profound thoughts, just real life. This is is me today!Last night my daughter and I watched "The Help". We had missed it at the movies and I started reading the book the other day and thought we needed to watch as it seems like it's the movie of the year in many ways. What an inspiring story of courage, of loyalty and doing what is right even when the mind and body want to do something different. It also put into perspective the minor issues I am worrying about, or rather that the things while big in my world in the real scheme of things are nothing compared to the fear and poverty of mind, spirit and body that so many live under. So I got busy and stopped worrying (well, mostly stopped worrying).
If you haven't seen the movie or read the so!! Well worth it.
That's me for today edit
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