2009.....well, now I know!!!

| Nov 4, 2009 | , |
I just looked at my last blog post....JANUARY!!! How crazy is that? I said I wondered what 2009 had in store and boy, oh, boy, was I wrong about how good it was going to be. 2009 will go down in the Bryce & Christy Staveley history as a year of CHANGE, HEARTBREAK and....well, the jury is still out on the rest. :)

We started the year with such hope and promise. Excitement over our new roles in Student Life, a new home, a new year. So fun!! We expected some challenging things...teenagers, turning 40, adjustments to a new home and routine, but we did not anticipate the bombshell of March 6th when our lives were turned upside down. It is a long and sordid tale and not one for a blog such as this, but suffice to say, we left our ministry of 15 years to start a new one. Not because of moral transgressions or any such thing (my husband is a wonderful man and devoted firstly to God and then to his family), but rather some very difficult relationships that led us to the point of resigning. So sad, heart-breaking and life-changing!!!

The emotions of that time linger, but in the midst of that pain, the Lord revealed truth and a future. Starting our own ministry was not in our plans at all, but HTL Ministries was founded. HTL stands for Honour the Lord as that is what we want to do in all our lives. We believe that the Lord has led us through a desert of four years - a desert of heartache, of revelation and of confirmation of the Lord's love for us - and we have come through it scarred, but alive and kicking!

We stand now on a precipice as the Lord takes HTL Ministries and it's first ministry, Fit 4 Life, a non-profit fitness centre designed to help people with the physical fitness, their financial fitness, their relational fitness and their spiritual fitness, into the future.

We are excited in God's provision of some colleagues from Student Life who decided to join us in this venture. We love you guys!! And now we have the most awesome building EVER to start Fit 4 Life.

So how does the rest of 2009 look.....who knows....I am no longer making predictions!!! It has been quite a year. Not one I am going to repeat hopefully and I am asking for a vacation from life-change for now!! :)
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Prosper, Texas, United States
I've been married for 32 years to the love of my life and we have two awesome adult kids and a fantastic son-in-law. Big new adventure moving to Texas from New Zealand in February 2021


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